
Genshin Impact October 2023 Community & Newbie Night


Genshin Impact
01/10/2023 @ 19:00
01/10/2023 @ 21:30
Jordy - jordyunknown

To kick off the academic year, we will be hosting a social hangout event on our Discord server to give any and all Genshin Impact players the opportunity to virtually meet up and get to know each other! Whether you’re a day-one player, a newcomer, or somewhere in between, we invite everyone to join in and discuss your favourite characters, showcase your builds, or rant about your terrible gacha luck. We’ll also be asking about what kind of Genshin Impact events you would like NSE to run in the future, so make sure to come along if you’d like to have a say!

Go grab the Genshin Impact role in our Discord server to meet the rest of our community, and join us on Sunday, 1st October, for a night of sorcery, sword fighting, and exploration into lands unknown.


Open to: Student and Alumni
Event starts: Sunday 1st October, 7:00 pm
Event ends: Sunday 1st October, 9:30 pm


If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to a member of staff on the Discord server. Looking forward to seeing lots of you at the event!

Community events are open to students and alumni. If you are an alumni and not sure how to set up your account, please email

If you are interested in more community events, check out our Community Activity hub.