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Pringles Fun Formats - Flamin Frags Clip Competition - VOTE NOW
Thank you to everyone who entered our Pringles Fun Formats - Flamin Frags Clip Competition! Now it's time to vote for your favourite and they could win a coveted Pringles Bundle...
NSE University All Stars 2024: Signups Open Now!
Announcing NSE Overwatch 2 Open + W&NB & VALORANT University All Stars! To celebrate this year's A-Level Results Day, we want to see teams made up of the best the student community currently has to offer.
Wimbledon eChamps 2024
Our friends over at Wimbledon and Amex are inviting you to take part in the Wimbledon eChamps 2024 - do you think you’ve got what it takes?
Cosmetic Industry: What is involved in the industry?
Every day we see advertisements for personal care products, from shampoo, body wash, fragrances, toiletries and skincare products like toner and moisturiser. What scopes are involved in this industry?
June 2024 Society of the Month - Glasgow Caledonian University Esports Society
Glasgow Caledonian have been selected as June 2024 Society of the Month for hosting the Glaswegian varsity event "Battle For Glasgow" for a second year in a row.
July Community Events Schedule - 2024
Our Community Events for July are here! We have a huge range of titles, there's something for everyone this month with NSE.
Intel FutureGen 2024 Visit SPORTFIVE
"Have you ever spotted video game characters plastered on the packaging of seemingly unrelated snack brands in the supermarket, and wondered how those collaborations ever came to be?" Jess, from the Intel FutureGen 2024 cohort, gives us the scoop.
June 2024 Intel Monthly MVP and July Nominations
The Intel Monthly MVP is a community-driven award where students around the country can nominate their peers for going above and beyond within gaming and esports. Today, we spoke with this month's MVP Maya from Durham University.