Introducing two new members to the NSE team
We're excited to announce two new members of the NSE team. We'd like to wish Laura and April a warm welcome!
On the 22nd of August, Heather Dower from Hotdrop joined us on the Intel FutureGen Broadcast to talk about her experience getting into esports and how it all resulted in her founding Hotdrop as well as giving invaluable tips about the recruitment process and how to make yourself stand out to get that job.
In case you missed the broadcast, find the timestamped VOD below.
00:00 - Stream start
02:22 - About Intel FutureGen
03:37 - About Hotdrop
07:24 - Heather’s career progression
13:55 - Where to find jobs?
18:51 - Application - What are they looking for?
22:07 - Common application mistakes
24:44 - Interviews
29:30 - Conclusions